Here is the question (link: :
A permutation of the numbers 1, ..., N is a rearrangment of these numbers. For example
2 4 5 1 7 6 3 8
is a permutation of 1,2, ..., 8. Of course,
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
is also a permutation of 1, 2, ..., 8.
Associated with each permutation of N is a special sequence of positive integers of length N called its inversion sequence. The ith element of this sequence is the number of numbers j that are strictly less than i and appear to the right of i in this permutation. For the permutation
2 4 5 1 7 6 3 8
the inversion sequence is
0 1 0 2 2 1 2 0
The 2nd element is 1 because 1 is strictly less than 2 and it appears to the right of 2 in this permutation. Similarly, the 5th element is 2 since 1 and 3 are strictly less than 5 but appear to the right of 5 in this permutation and so on.
As another example, the inversion sequence of the permutation
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
In this problem, you will be given the inversion sequence of some permutation. Your task is to reconstruct the permutation from this sequence.
I came up with this code:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void insert(int key, int *array, int value , int size){
int i = 0;
for(i = 0; i < key; i++){
int j = size - i;
array[ j ] = array[ j - 1 ];
array[ size - i ] = value;
int main(){
int n;
cin >> n;
int array[ n ];
int key;
for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ){
cin >> key;
insert( key, array, i + 1, i);
for(int i = 0;i < n;i ++){
cout << array[i] << " ";
return 0;
It is working fine and giving correct answer for 70% of the test cases but crosses the time limit for the remaining. Is there any other, faster algorithm to solve this question?
Your algo has complexity O(N^2)
operations so for arrays of size 10^5
it need too much time to perform. I try to describe better solution:
We have N
numbers. Lets call inverse array I
. Solving this problem we need to know where is K-th
position from the end of permutation which is still free (lets call this function F(K)
). First, we put number N
to position F(I[N] + 1)
, then put number N-1
to position F(I[N-1] + 1)
and so on.
can be calculated as follows: declare array M
of size N
: 1 1 1 ... 1
, define S(X) = M[1] + M[2] + ... + M[X]
. S
is known as prefix sum. F(K)
equal to N
plus 1
minus such lower X
that S(X) = K
. Every time we place number Z
to position N + 1 - X(for K = I[Z] + 1)
we put zero to M[X]
. To find X
faster then in O(N)
time I can suggest to use Binary Indexed Trees to calculate prefix sums in O(logN)
time, and Binary Search to find such X
that S(X)
equal to some predefined value.
The total complexity of such algo is O(N(log(N))^2)
. This is
the implementation in Ruby (you can play with it right in ideone: change input, run and check output):
# O(n(log(n))^2) solution for
# Binary Indexed Tree (by Peter Fenwick)
class FenwickTree
# Initialize array 1..n with 0s
def initialize(n)
@n = n
@m = [0] * (n + 1)
# Add value v to cell i
def add(i, v)
while i <= @n
@m[i] += v
i += i & -i
# Get sum on 1..i
def sum(i)
s = 0
while i > 0
s += @m[i]
i -= i & -i
# Array size
def n
return @n
# Classical binary search
class BinarySearch
# Find lower index i such that ft.sum(i) == s
def self.lower_bound(ft, s)
l, r = 1, ft.n
while l < r
c = (l + r) / 2
if ft.sum(c) < s
l = c + 1
r = c
# Read input data
n = gets.to_i
q = &:to_i
# Initialize Fenwick tree
ft =
1.upto(n) do |i|
ft.add i, 1
# Find the answer
ans = [0] * n
(n - 1).downto(0) do |i|
k = BinarySearch.lower_bound(ft, q[i] + 1)
ans[n - k] = i + 1
ft.add k, -1
puts ans.join(' ')
Solution with O(N(log(N)))
time exists also. It uses some kind of Binary Search Tree: we create BST with numbers 1, 2, 3, ... N
on verteces, then we can find K-th
number by value in O(log(N))
and delete verteces in O(log(N))
time also.
Also solution with std::set may exists but I can't think one right now.
PS. I can also suggest you to read some books on algo and olimpyads like Skienna (Programming Challenges) or Cormen (Introduction to Algorithms)
PPS.So sorry for wrong solution I described before