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Retrieving selected rows from jqGrid

I have jqGrid 3.5 (full) mostly working. I have it retrieving data with the multi-select option on. The one part I can not get to work is getting the selected rows. The docs state:

To obtain selected rows we can use getGridParam('selarrrow') method. Using our example we can write this:


which will return an array with the selected rows (i.e., ["11","9"] from the figure above). The values in array are the id's of the selected rows.

This does not work and returns an undefined value (yes I have rows selected). I also have xmlreader:id setup in my grid config.

Can someone point me to a direction to look? I have tried everything I can think of to no avail.

UPDATE: redsquare was correct about incorrect selectors. my containing div had the same ID as the grid, I noticed this when I went to check my setup code and the selector was table#results changed that and it all works. Thanks all. If you post an answer redsquare I will accept it as it is the correct answer.


  • Can you check the selectors for me first. if they are correct can you try to upload your page or replicate the issue at :)