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How to use optionalBlock in build step's config.jelly

I have problem with creating constructor, which Jenkins can call for some JSON data originating from a Jelly form,. For testing, I created a minimal Jenkins plugin with mvn hpi:create and following two custom files:


<j:jelly xmlns:j="jelly:core" xmlns:st="jelly:stapler" xmlns:d="jelly:define" xmlns:l="/lib/layout" xmlns:t="/lib/hudson" xmlns:f="/lib/form">
        <f:optionalBlock name="enableText" title="Enable optional text" checked="${instance.enableText}">
            <f:entry title="Optional text" field="text">
                <f:textbox />


package foo.hyde.jenkins.plugins;

public class OptionalBlockSampleBuilder extends hudson.tasks.Builder {

    public final String text;
    public final boolean enableText;

    public OptionalBlockSampleBuilder(String text, Boolean enableText) {
        this.text = text;
        this.enableText = (enableText != null) && enableText;

    public boolean perform(hudson.model.AbstractBuild build, hudson.Launcher launcher, hudson.model.BuildListener listener) {
        listener.getLogger().println("OptionalBlockSampleBuilder " + enableText + "/" + text);
        return true;

    public static final class DescriptorImpl extends hudson.tasks.BuildStepDescriptor<hudson.tasks.Builder> {
        public boolean isApplicable(Class<? extends hudson.model.AbstractProject> aClass) {
            return true;
        public String getDisplayName() {
            return "Optional Block Sample";

I'm building against pom.xml parent <groupId>org.jenkins-ci.plugins</groupId><artifactId>plugin</artifactId><version>1.454</version>, and everything builds, Netbeans 6.9.1 launches Debug Jenkins and I get to create a job with this build step. Everything works if I don't check that checkbox, and I get expected OptionalBlockSampleBuilder false/null to job's console output.

But if I do check the checkbox and add text, then saving/applying the job config gives this exception from the depths of Jenkins code, when it tries to call my constructor:

  Failed to instantiate class
  from {

There has to be a simple fix. I have tried many different changes, and also tried to see how other plugins use it, and finally created this minimal test plugin. How to fix it to make optionalBlock work?


  • The hint comes from the JSON data:


    You can see here that enableText contains a child property, text. That means that the f:optionalBlock is actually expecting an encapsulation of all the fields contained within the block -- when the block is checked, you will receive an instance of the encapsulation field class; when it is unchecked, that field will be null. To use the optionalBlock properly, you would need the @DataBoundConstructor to take in a single nullable class instance that encapsulates the entire optionalBlock. For example:

    private String text;
    public MyClass(EnableTextBlock enableText)
        if (enableText != null)
            this.text = enableText.text;
    public static class EnableTextBlock
        private String text;
        public EnableTextBlock(String text)
            this.text = text;

    Notice that the enableText field in this case is actually an instance of EnableTextBlock class, which contains a child property, text. That will satisfy the JSON object that is being sent in the form.

    Instead, if all you need is a single field that has a checkbox to enable entry of that field, you might want to consider instead using the f:optionalProperty tag, which will take care of that single-field encapsulation for you. However, in many cases, the optionalBlock is actually needed to configure multiple fields, in which case the encapsulation class--as exampled above--is usually the correct way to go.

    The encapsulation class does not have to be a static inner class; it could be a separate class within your package, but the important part is that the DataBoundConstructor should take in an argument that matches the JSON structure being passed from the form.