I am trying to build an EJB in an EAR. My EJB has dependencies on SNAPSHOTS. So when I build the EAR my structure looks like this:
- application.xml
- my-ejb-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
- third-party-lib-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
However, when using the maven-ejb-plugin to generate its MANIFEST.MF:
The problem I have, is the MANIFEST.MF lists the SNAPSHOT as how it appears in Nexus which is not how the maven-ear-plugin named it when building the ear.
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Build-Jdk: 1.6.0_25
Class-Path: third-party-lib-1.0.0-20121026.140152-21.jar
So of course I'm getting ClassNotFoundException s because the EJBs classpath is looking for a jar file that doesn't exist.
Basically I need to know either:
I found the solution to my problem by looking through the maven archiver documentation at Maven Archiver - Handling Snapshots.
I just needed to configure my maven-ejb-plugin so that it didn't use "unique versions":
RTFM closer next time I guess :)