This is the first time I've encountered something like below.
Multiple Threads (Inner classes implementing Runnable) sharing a Data Structure (instance variable of the upper class).
Working: took classes from Eclipse project's bin folder, ran on a Unix machine.
NOT WORKING: directly compiled the src on Unix machine and used those class files. Code compiles and then runs with no errors/warnings, but one thread is not able to access shared resource properly.
PROBLEM: One thread adds elements to the above common DS. Second thread does the following...
if(myArrayList.size() > 0){
//do stuff
The Log shows that the size is updated in Thread 1.
For some mystic reason, the workflow is not enetering if() ...
Same exact code runs perfectly if I directly paste the class files from Eclipse's bin folder.
I apologize if I missed anything obvious.
ArrayList<CSRequest> newCSRequests = new ArrayList<CSRequest>();
//Thread 1
private class ListeningSocketThread implements Runnable {
ServerSocket listeningSocket;
public void run() {
try {
init(); // creates socket
} catch (IOException e) {
private void processIncomongMessages() throws IOException {
while (true) {
try {
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
private void processMessage(Socket s) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
// read message
ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(s.getInputStream());
Object message = ois.readObject();
LogUtil.log("adding...: before size: " + newCSRequests.size());
synchronized (newCSRequests) {
newCSRequests.add((CSRequest) message);
LogUtil.log("adding...: after size: " + newCSRequests.size()); // YES, THE SIZE IS UPDATED TO > 0
//Thread 2
private class CSRequestResponder implements Runnable {
public void run() {
LogUtil.log("Initiating..."); // REACHES..
while (true) {
// LogUtil.log("inside while..."); // IF NOT COMMENTED, FLOODS THE CONSOLE WITH THIS MSG...
if (newCSRequests.size() > 0) { // DOES NOT PASS
LogUtil.log("inside if size > 0..."); // NEVER REACHES....
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
Solution was to add synchronized(myArrayList) before I check the size in the Thread 2.
To access a shared structure in a multi-threaded environment, you should use implicit or explicit locking to ensure safe publication and access among threads. Using the code above, it should look like this:
synchronized (myArrayList) {
if(myArrayList.size() > 0){
//do stuff
//sleep(...) // outside the lock!
Note: This pattern looks much like a producer-consumer and is better implemented using a queue. LinkedBlockingQueue is a good option for that and provides built-in concurrency control capabilities. It's a good structure for safe publishing of data among threads. Using a concurrent data structure lets you get rid of the synchronized block:
Queue queue = new LinkedBlockingQueue(...)
Data data = queue.take(); // this will wait until there's data in the queue