Is there a way to make the R mcmcplot()
function not open a browser when it's called? I need to run my R code on a cluster and if mcmcplot()
tries to open a browser, it will puke.
Can the output be dumped to a file maybe?
That function writes everything to a file and also opens it in a browser. If you dont want to open the browser I would recommend editing the function to pass whether or not you want to open in a browser as an argument. You can retreive the function by just typing its name without any parenthesis.
then copy that output to a editor and at the beginning change the name of the function and add teh argument:
mcmcplotnew=function (mcmcout, parms = NULL, regex = NULL, random = NULL,
leaf.marker = "[\\[_]", dir = tempdir(), filename = "MCMCoutput",
extension = "html", title = NULL, heading = title, col = NULL,
lty = 1, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, style = c("gray", "plain"),
greek = FALSE,ShouldIPlotinbrowser=T) #new argument here
then there are much more parts of the function
then at the end there is
cat("\r", rep(" ", getOption("width")), "\r", sep = "")
cat("\n</div>\n</div>\n", file = htmlfile, append = TRUE)
.html.end(htmlfile) <- paste("file://", htmlfile, sep = "")
Where you have the browsURL line, make it something like:
if(ShouldIPlotinbrowser) { browseURL( }
Then initialize that function before you run it with:
mcmcplotnew(whatever, usual, arguments,then,ShouldIPlotinbrowser=F)