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How to set tooltip for a ListviewSubItem

I have a ListView control in Details view as that (the view that shows the list as a grid)

    mListView.View = View.Details; 
    mListView.mLVSelectedObject.ShowItemToolTips = true;

    ListViewItem listViewItem = mListView.Items.Add(lValue.Name);
    listViewItem.ToolTipText = "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA";

The issue is that the tooltip only shows up when the cursors is over the first listview's column but not for the rest o them. I want to know if there's anyway to make it appear "easly" ?


  • After some research. I've solved the issue this way, but I'm still wondering if there is another way to do that avoiding EventHandlers;

        ToolTip     mTooltip;
        Point mLastPos = new Point(-1, -1);
        private void listview_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            ListViewHitTestInfo info    =   mLV.HitTest(e.X, e.Y);
            if (mTooltip == null)
                mTooltip = new ToolTip();
            if (mLastPos != e.Location)
                if (info.Item != null && info.SubItem != null)
                    mTooltip.ToolTipTitle = info.Item.Text;
                    mTooltip.Show(info.SubItem.Text, info.Item.ListView, e.X, e.Y, 20000);
                    mTooltip.SetToolTip(mLV, string.Empty);
            mLastPos = e.Location;