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Convert rgb strings to hex in Javascript

I am using the TweenMax JS library with the ColorPropsPlugin which will tween color values which are specified in many formats, the problem I have is that the result is always in the form of a string:


How can that be converted in to a hex number like:



  • I would at first cut away the CSS parts:

    var a = "rgb(255,255,255)".split("(")[1].split(")")[0];

    Then split it into separate numbers:

    a = a.split(",");

    Convert the single numbers to hex

    var b ={             //For each array element
        x = parseInt(x).toString(16);      //Convert to a base16 string
        return (x.length==1) ? "0"+x : x;  //Add zero if we get only one character

    And glue it back together:

    b = "0x"+b.join("");