We're using pages with the following sort of example content:
<title>Page Title</title>
<!-- (page-specific JS and styles) -->
<h1>Page Title</h1>
<!-- (rest of page content) -->
And then with SiteMesh + Freemarker we decorate them in something like this:
<!doctype html>
<title><#if title?? && title?has_content>${title}</#if></title>
<!-- (global styles and scripts)-->
<!-- (Header elements) -->
<!-- (Footer elements) -->
What I'm wondering is if there's a nice way to propagate any extra attributes on the page-level <body>
element to the decorator's <body>
element, so they're not simply thrown away?
OK, I eventually found the answer myself after some experimentation :D The body attributes go into page.properties["body.attrName"]
, which you can use in my case like so:
<#if page.properties["body.class"]??>
<body class="${page.properties["body.class"]}">