My selenium functional test is failing when I run using the Chrome driver, but works when using Firefox.
The exception occurs when using the Geb Grails example application from github.
Run the application using the Chrome driver:
grails -Dgeb.env=chrome test-app
The tests will begin to run, an instance of Chrome is successfully opened, but nothing happens afterwards. The Chrome browser isn't directed to a url, it just sits there with a silly grin on its face. The below error is thrown in the console after a 15 second (or so) timeout.
Caused by: org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: Unable to either launch or connect to Chrome.
Please check that ChromeDriver is up-to-date. Using Chrome binary
at: /Applications/Google Chrome
Version 23.0.1271.40 beta
. no luck.def gebVersion = "0.7.2" def seleniumVersion = "2.25.0"
Thanks for taking a look at this. I'd love to adopt geb, but its been an uphill battle to date.
Might be a silly answer but did you install the chrome driver?
For Firefox, you don't need to install a driver but for Chrome and IE, you do. That may be why your tests are running using FF and not chrome.
Good luck!