I'm hoping there is a way to use Stash Context with Categories, for example, like so:
{exp:channel:entries channel="channel-name" dynamic="no" disable="member_data|pagination"}
{exp:stash:append_list name='list' parse_tags="yes" save="yes" scope="site" context='{categories}{category_name}{/categories}'}
{exp:stash:get_list name="list" parse_tags="yes" parse_conditionals="yes" context="{this_category_name}"}
all my stash variables and html etc.
I know I can do the following though, this would mean that someone would have to edit the template each time a category was added.
{exp:stash:get_list name="list" parse_tags="yes" parse_conditionals="yes" context="category1"}
all my stash variables and html etc.
{exp:stash:get_list name="list" parse_tags="yes" parse_conditionals="yes" context="category2"}
all my stash variables and html etc.
With that said, my question is: is there anyway to dynamically use Stash context and ExpressionEngine categories?
Any reason why you need to use context? I guess I'm not clear on how you are trying to use get_list to output the data. Would something like this achieve what you need to do?