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Find closest table row element with a particular class attribute looking in reverse from current element

I have a JqGrid and want to toggle automatically the display of the last edited row/group when returning to the view/page containing the grid.

The process I have is

  1. Write the last edited OrderId to a session variable on completion of add/edit
  2. Pass this to the view where is is held in a hidden form element

What I would like to do now is use this "id" to locate the nearest (in reverse) grouping table row which I can then use to toggle the display.

The for the OrderId is easily identified since the id"" attribute matches the OrderId.

The grouping element though is 0 indexed and numbered only according to it's position in the grid i.e. it does not relate to the OrderId or OrderLinkId.

24/10/2012 Amended the below example to demonstrate that the group header elements are closed before the individual Order elements ie. siblings not parent/child

<tr id="clientOrderGridghead_0_6" class="ui-widget-content jqgroup ui-row-ltr clientOrderGridghead_0" role="row">
.....Group Header 6 Content.....
<tr id="403" class="ui-widget-content jqgrow ui-row-ltr" style="" tabindex="-1" role="row">
<tr id="414" class="ui-widget-content jqgrow ui-row-ltr" style="" tabindex="-1" role="row">
<tr id="418" class="ui-widget-content jqgrow ui-row-ltr" style="" tabindex="-1" role="row">
<tr id="clientOrderGridghead_0_7" class="ui-widget-content jqgroup ui-row-ltr clientOrderGridghead_0" role="row">
......Group Header 7 Content......

The example above shows the top element which acts as the group header, with the subsequent 3 elements being the record rows for the related Orders.

The header element always has the class

class="ui-widget-content jqgroup ui-row-ltr clientOrderGridghead_0"

I have been able to successfully do the toggling by hard coding the id of the group element as follows


But am now struggling to get the id necessary to plug in to the groupingToggle call and make it dynamic.

I've tried the following

var groupId = $('#' + lastOrderId).closest('tr').find('.ui-widget-content jqgroup ui-row-ltr clientOrderGridghead_0').attr('id');

After seeing the example here Using a class name in jQuery's .closest()

But but this returns undefined.

Any pointers greatly appreciated.

24/10/2012 Another attempt

var groupId = $('#' + lastOrderId).closest('tbody').find('.ui-widget-content jqgroup ui-row-ltr clientOrderGridghead_0').attr('id');

But still no joy


  • I think you should go for

    var groupId = $('#' + lastOrderId).parent().find('.clientOrderGridghead_0').attr('id');

    EDIT: Removed unnecessary classes in find.

    EDIT 2: I couldn't understand your question at the first place.

    Please try this:

    var groupId = $('#' + lastOrderId).prev('.clientOrderGridghead_0').attr('id');

    I seriously hope this works for you this time.