I am trying to write a function that will find a node with a specified name in a xml file. The problem is that the function never finds the specified node.
xmlNodePtr findNodeByName(xmlNodePtr rootnode, const xmlChar * nodename)
xmlNodePtr node = rootnode;
if(node == NULL){
log_err("Document is empty!");
return NULL;
while(node != NULL){
if(!xmlStrcmp(node->name, nodename)){
return node;
else if(node->children != NULL){
node = node->children;
xmlNodePtr intNode = findNodeByName(node, nodename);
if(intNode != NULL){
return intNode;
node = node->next;
return NULL;
I can see in the debugger that function does go deep into the sub nodes but still returns NULL.
Thanks in advance.
Your function is correct. Add a debugging line to see why it doesn't work in your case. For example:
printf("xmlStrcmp(%s, %s)==%d\n", node->name, nodename,
xmlStrcmp(node->name, nodename));
But you don't really need that function. You may use xmlXPathEval.