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Using a rakefile to generate docs from source

I downloaded the ruby Twitter gem source code and am trying to generate the documentation using yard, which I installed via gem install yard. In the rakefile, I found the following, which I assume is used to generate the docs for the Twitter gem:

require 'yard'

I tried to require yard in irb and then run but nothing happened.

Can you help me get on the right track?


  • From the YARD docs:

    The second most obvious is to generate docs via a Rake task. You can do this by adding the following to your Rakefile: do |t|
      t.files   = ['lib/**/*.rb', OTHER_PATHS]   # optional
      t.options = ['--any', '--extra', '--opts'] # optional

    both the files and options settings are optional. files will default to lib/**/*.rb and options will represents any options you might want to add. Again, a full list of options is available by typing yardoc --help in a shell. You can also override the options at the Rake command-line with the OPTS environment variable:

    $ rake yard OPTS='--any --extra --opts'

    To summarize: after adding to your Rakefile, run rake yard.