Search code examples

Send an apprequest withouth ssl

I am using this to invite a friend of facebook to my app:

   function invite(id) {
          method: 'apprequests',
          message: 'mytext',
          title: 'mytitle',
          to: id, 
        }, function(response){
                if (typeof response.error_message != 'undefined') {
                        var invitados = id.split(',');
                        for( i=0; i<invitados.length; i++){


The problem is that I don't have ssl certificate in my server, yet (And I know this should be solved by installing it. Since facebook moved to secure login, we only need ssl to display our site in facebook's site)

And some users get a 501 error from facebook:


Is there a way to force opening the request (maybe in _blank) in my site instead of in facebook (inside the ifame)?


  • Is there a way to force opening the request (maybe in _blank) in my site instead of in facebook (inside the ifame)?


    User to User Requests are only available for Canvas apps, not websites, as accepting a request will direct the user to the Canvas Page URL of the app that sent the Request.