I'm new to jquery, so I do apologise if I don't see the obvious in what I am trying to achieve.
I have added 6 images and arranged them one on top of the other. What i would like to happen is when a user drags the top image away, it reverts back to the stack but at the bottom of the pile.
this is what I have to far:
<div id=”pinboard”>
<li class="img"><img src="images/chalet.jpg" /></li>
<li class="img"><img src="images/girl.jpg" /></li>
<li class="img"><img src="images/iceland.jpg" /></li>
<li class="img"><img src="images/ice.jpg" /></li>
<li class="img"><img src="images/sail.jpg" /></li>
<li class="img"><img src="images/whitemountains.jpg" /></li>
list-style-type: none;
position: absolute;
-webkit-box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px #000;
-moz-box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px #000;
box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px #000;
-webkit-transition:0.2s -webkit-transform linear;
-moz-transition: 0.2s -moz-transform linear;
transition: 0.2s transform linear;
padding:15px 15px 40px 15px;
.ui-draggable-dragging {
-webkit-transform: rotate(0deg) scale(1.2) !important;
-moz-transform: rotate(0deg) scale(1.2) !important;
-ms-transform: rotate(0deg) scale(1.2) !important;
-o-transform: rotate(0deg) scale(1.2) !important;
transform: rotate(0deg) scale(1.2) !important;}
xpos = Math.floor(Math.random()*920);
ypos = Math.floor(Math.random()*420);
rotation = Math.floor(Math. random()*15);
var rNum = (Math.random()*20)-2;
$(this).css( {
'-webkit-transform': 'rotate('+rNum+'2deg)',
'-moz-transform': 'rotate('+rNum+'2deg)'
}).draggable({revert: true});
I have tried using droppable, draggable, sortable in various ways. I have also tried using the zindex to change the position.
any help with this is greatly appreciated.
many thanks
There are probably better ways to do this.
I used some css'ing to do the trick: see here
For future ref (in case there's no more fiddle):
var zI = $(this).css('z-index');
if (zI == 1){
var restart = 2;
$('.img').css('z-index', restart);
zI = restart;
'position': 'absolute',
'left': '0px',
'top': '0px',
'z-index': zI-1