GreenDAO just supported one position of LIKE operator. It was " LIKE ?"
I wanna fetch records with variety of this operator. such as, " LIKE %?"
, " LIKE ?%"
and " LIKE %?%"
. but it doesn't supported by GreenDAO.
Also I've used queryRaw()
and queryRawCreate()
, unfortunately it didn't work, too.
For example:
libDocSeriesDao.queryRawCreate( " Where T.Title Like '%?%' Or T.ViewTitle Like '%?%'", aKeyword, aKeyword).listLazy();
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The '%' character must not be part of the query string when you use the '?' character. You can use any combination of % when binding the parameter.
Here is an example how to use LIKE queries (taken from greenDAO's unit tests at
Query<TestEntity> query = dao.queryBuilder().where("%robot")).build();
TestEntity entity2 = query.uniqueOrThrow();
assertEquals(entity.getId(), entity2.getId());
query.setParameter(0, "green%");
entity2 = query.uniqueOrThrow();
assertEquals(entity.getId(), entity2.getId());
query.setParameter(0, "%enrob%");
entity2 = query.uniqueOrThrow();
assertEquals(entity.getId(), entity2.getId());
The same principle is valid for raw queries. For your example, you should do this:
libDocSeriesDao.queryRawCreate(" Where T.Title Like ? Or T.ViewTitle Like ?", aKeyword, aKeyword).listLazy();
Also, aKeyword must have the % character.