I have a a relational database with a user table and has user id's etc. However the commenting system is stored in Mongo and
$author = new Author();
$userID = 1;
$author->setId( new \MongoId( $userID ) ); <--- different ID generated everytime
$discussion = new Discussion();
$discussion->setCreatedAt(new \DateTime());
The ID that is generated is different every time so I have values like 5082a694253b4a1201000000, 5082a55e253b4a1f05000000.
How do I relate back to the user ID for example user ID 1? Or should just forget the whole new MongoID business and just store the user ID in the document?
From the documentation:
public MongoId::__construct ([ string $id = NULL ] )
$id: A string to use as the id. Must be 24 hexidecimal characters. If an invalid string is passed to this constructor, the constructor will ignore it and create a new id value.
So that's why, even if you give an id to the MongoId, it doesn't fit into a 24 hexidecimal characters. So MongoId ignore it and generate a new one.
I think you just need to define the UserId as it is:
$author = new Author();