I'm using a couple of image maps to create some triangular buttons, but am having some difficulty getting the hover effects (inline jquery, not ideal but can't find an alternative) to behave correctly.
<div id="triangle">
<img src="triangle.png" alt="..." usemap="#imgmap"/>
<map name="imgmap" id="imgmap">
<area shape="poly" coords="0,100,50,0,100,100" href="#" target="_self" onmouseover="$('#prevslide').css('opacity','1');" onmouseout="$('#prevslide').fadeTo(600,0);" />
See this jsfiddle for an example. The states trigger ok with careful use, but it begins to fail when you hover over a few times in quick succession.
How can I prevent this?
Apply a .stop()
in your animation - DEMO
<map name="imgmap" id="imgmap">
<area shape="poly" coords="0,100,50,0,100,100" href="#" target="_self"
onmouseout="$('#prevslide').stop().fadeTo(600,0);" />