I am attempting to get a 3D cube rendered using OpenGL 3.3. I am basing my code roughly off the code from Chapter 4 of the OpenGL book
Here is my code:
// Attempt to make a cube in OpenGL 3.3, using GLEW and GLFW
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <cmath>
// Include GLEW (openGL Extension Wrangler)
#include <GL/glew.h>
// Include GLFW (openGL FrameWork)
#include <GL/glfw.h>
// Define this helper macro to get an array position
#define BUFFER_OFFSET(i) ((char *)NULL + (i))
static const double PI = 3.14159265358979323846;
float radians(float inDeg)
return inDeg * PI/180.0 ;
struct Vertex
{ // 64 bytes = 16 x 4 bytes per float
GLfloat x, y, z ; // position coordinates
GLfloat nx, ny, nz ; // normal coordinates
GLfloat r, g, b, a ; // color coordinates for vertex shading
GLfloat s0, t0 ; // s and t are the standard texture coordinates
GLfloat s1, t1 ; // (just used as padding)
GLfloat s2, t2 ; // (just used as padding)
} ;
// Vertex Attributes
GLuint vertexSize = sizeof( Vertex ) ;
GLuint positionOffset = 0 ;
GLuint colorOffset = 24 ;
// Vertex Data - stored dynamically, see BuildCube()
Vertex *vertexData ;
GLuint *indexData ;
GLuint vertexDataLength = 8 ;
GLuint indexDataLength = 36 ;
struct Matrix
{ // 64 bytes = 16 x 4 bytes per float
GLfloat m[16] ;
} ;
// Matrix Data
Matrix ModelMatrix ;
Matrix ViewMatrix ;
Matrix ProjMatrix ;
Matrix IdentityMatrix(void)
{ // set the diagonal values to one
Matrix out ;
out.m[0] = 1.0 ; out.m[1] = 0.0 ; out.m[2] = 0.0 ; out.m[3] = 0.0 ;
out.m[4] = 0.0 ; out.m[5] = 1.0 ; out.m[6] = 0.0 ; out.m[7] = 0.0 ;
out.m[8] = 0.0 ; out.m[9] = 0.0 ; out.m[10] = 1.0 ; out.m[11] = 0.0 ;
out.m[12] = 0.0 ; out.m[13] = 0.0 ; out.m[14] = 0.0 ; out.m[15] = 1.0 ;
return out ;
Matrix ZeroMatrix(void)
{ // set all values to zero
Matrix out ;
out.m[0] = 0.0 ; out.m[1] = 0.0 ; out.m[2] = 0.0 ; out.m[3] = 0.0 ;
out.m[4] = 0.0 ; out.m[5] = 0.0 ; out.m[6] = 0.0 ; out.m[7] = 0.0 ;
out.m[8] = 0.0 ; out.m[9] = 0.0 ; out.m[10] = 0.0 ; out.m[11] = 0.0 ;
out.m[12] = 0.0 ; out.m[13] = 0.0 ; out.m[14] = 0.0 ; out.m[15] = 0.0 ;
return out ;
Matrix Multiply(const Matrix *m1, const Matrix *m2)
// Since these are note REALLY matrixes, we can get away with a shortcut
Matrix out = IdentityMatrix() ;
GLuint row, column, row_offset ;
for (row = 0; row < 4; row++)
row_offset = row * 4 ;
for (column = 0; column < 4; column++)
out.m[row_offset + column] =
(m1->m[row_offset + 0] * m2->m[column + 0]) +
(m1->m[row_offset + 1] * m2->m[column + 4]) +
(m1->m[row_offset + 2] * m2->m[column + 8]) +
(m1->m[row_offset + 3] * m2->m[column + 12]) ;
return out ;
void Translate(Matrix &inMat, GLfloat dx, GLfloat dy, GLfloat dz)
Matrix TM = IdentityMatrix() ;
TM.m[3] = dx ;
TM.m[7] = dy ;
TM.m[11] = dz ;
inMat = Multiply(&inMat, &TM) ;
void Rotate(Matrix &inMat, GLfloat xAng, GLfloat yAng, GLfloat zAng)
{ // rotates a vector or point around the origin at the specified angles
// create the half-angle values in radians
GLfloat rad_x_ang = radians(xAng)/2.0 * -1.0 ; // multiply by -1 to make the rotation right-handed
GLfloat rad_y_ang = radians(yAng)/2.0 ;
GLfloat rad_z_ang = radians(zAng)/2.0 ; // multiply by -1 to make the rotation right-handed
// compute sin and cos values, so they're not repeated a LOT
GLfloat cosX = cos(rad_x_ang) ;
GLfloat sinX = sin(rad_x_ang) ;
GLfloat cosY = cos(rad_y_ang) ;
GLfloat sinY = sin(rad_y_ang) ;
GLfloat cosZ = cos(rad_z_ang) ;
GLfloat sinZ = sin(rad_z_ang) ;
// create quaternion vector: Q
GLfloat q0 = cosZ * cosY * cosX + sinZ * sinY * sinX ;
GLfloat q1 = sinZ * cosY * cosX - cosZ * sinY * sinX ;
GLfloat q2 = cosZ * sinY * cosX + sinZ * cosY * sinX ;
GLfloat q3 = cosZ * cosY * sinX - sinZ * sinY * cosX ;
// create rotation matrix
Matrix RM ;
RM.m[0] = q0*q0+q1*q1+q2*q2+q3*q3 ; RM.m[1] = 0.0 ; RM.m[2] = 0.0 ; RM.m[3] = 0.0 ;
RM.m[4] = 0.0 ; RM.m[5] = q0*q0-q1*q1-q2*q2+q3*q3 ; RM.m[6] = 2*q2*q3 - 2*q0*q1 ; RM.m[7] = 2*q1*q3 + 2*q0*q2 ;
RM.m[8] = 0.0 ; RM.m[9] = 2*q2*q3 + 2*q0*q1 ; RM.m[10] = q0*q0-q1*q1+q2*q2-q3*q3 ; RM.m[11] = 2*q1*q2 - 2*q0*q3 ;
RM.m[12] = 0.0 ; RM.m[13] = 2*q1*q3 - 2*q0*q2 ; RM.m[14] = 2*q1*q2 + 2*q0*q3 ; RM.m[15] = q0*q0+q1*q1-q2*q2-q3*q3 ;
// multiply the new rotational matrix with the current incoming matrix
inMat = Multiply(&inMat, &RM) ;
const GLchar* VertexShader =
"#version 330\n"\
"attribute vec3 in_Position;\n"\
"attribute vec4 in_Color;\n"\
"uniform mat4 ModelMatrix;\n"\
"uniform mat4 ViewMatrix;\n"\
"uniform mat4 ProjMatrix ;\n"\
"out vec4 ex_Color;\n"\
"void main(void)\n"\
" gl_Position = (ProjMatrix * ViewMatrix * ModelMatrix) * vec4(in_Position, 1.0);\n"\
" ex_Color = in_Color;\n"\
const GLchar* FragmentShader =
"#version 330\n"\
"in vec4 ex_Color ;\n"\
"out vec4 out_Color ;\n"\
"void main(void)\n"\
" out_Color = ex_Color ;\n"\
// Shader Attribute IDs
GLuint attribute_in_Position ;
GLuint attribute_in_Color ;
GLuint uniform_ModelMatrix ;
GLuint uniform_ViewMatrix ;
GLuint uniform_ProjMatrix ;
// OpenGL Object IDs
GLuint VertShaderID ;
GLuint FragShaderID ;
GLuint GLSLProgID ;
GLuint vaoID ;
GLuint vboID ;
GLuint iboID ;
// Forward declare functions
void BuildCube(void) ;
void CreateShaders(void) ;
void DestroyShaders(void) ;
void InitStuff(void) ;
bool DrawStuff(int) ;
void KillStuff(void) ;
void BuildCube(void)
vertexData = new Vertex[8] ; // create a dynamic memory array of 8 vertices
indexData = new GLuint[36] ;
// specify only 8 vertices (ignore texture and normals for now)
vertexData[0].x = 0.5 ; vertexData[0].y = 0.5 ; vertexData[0].z = 0.5 ;
vertexData[1].x = -0.5 ; vertexData[1].y = 0.5 ; vertexData[1].z = 0.5 ;
vertexData[2].x = -0.5 ; vertexData[2].y = -0.5 ; vertexData[2].z = 0.5 ;
vertexData[3].x = 0.5 ; vertexData[3].y = -0.5 ; vertexData[3].z = 0.5 ;
vertexData[4].x = 0.5 ; vertexData[4].y = 0.5 ; vertexData[4].z = -0.5 ;
vertexData[5].x = -0.5 ; vertexData[5].y = 0.5 ; vertexData[5].z = -0.5 ;
vertexData[6].x = -0.5 ; vertexData[6].y = -0.5 ; vertexData[6].z = -0.5 ;
vertexData[7].x = 0.5 ; vertexData[7].y = -0.5 ; vertexData[7].z = -0.5 ;
// specify all triangles
indexData[0] = 0 ; indexData[1] = 1 ; indexData[2] = 2 ; // top
indexData[3] = 2 ; indexData[4] = 3 ; indexData[5] = 0 ;
indexData[6] = 4 ; indexData[7] = 6 ; indexData[8] = 5 ; // bottom
indexData[9] = 6 ; indexData[10] = 4 ; indexData[11] = 7 ;
indexData[12] = 2 ; indexData[13] = 1 ; indexData[14] = 5 ; // left
indexData[15] = 5 ; indexData[16] = 6 ; indexData[17] = 2 ;
indexData[18] = 0 ; indexData[19] = 3 ; indexData[20] = 4 ; // right
indexData[21] = 3 ; indexData[22] = 7 ; indexData[23] = 4 ;
indexData[24] = 1 ; indexData[25] = 0 ; indexData[26] = 5 ; // front
indexData[27] = 0 ; indexData[28] = 4 ; indexData[29] = 5 ;
indexData[30] = 3 ; indexData[31] = 2 ; indexData[32] = 6 ; // back
indexData[33] = 6 ; indexData[34] = 7 ; indexData[35] = 3 ;
// specify the colors
for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii < 8; ii++)
{ //
vertexData[ii].r = vertexData[ii].x + 0.5 ;
vertexData[ii].g = vertexData[ii].y + 0.5 ;
vertexData[ii].b = vertexData[ii].z + 0.5 ;
vertexData[ii].a = 1.0 ;
// end BuildCube()
void CreateShaders(void)
GLenum ErrorCheckValue = glGetError();
// establish vertex shader
VertShaderID = glCreateShader(GL_VERTEX_SHADER);
glShaderSource(VertShaderID, 1, &VertexShader, NULL);
// establish fragment shader
FragShaderID = glCreateShader(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER);
glShaderSource(FragShaderID, 1, &FragmentShader, NULL);
// set the GLSL program ID
GLSLProgID = glCreateProgram();
// link the vertex and fragment shaders
glAttachShader(GLSLProgID, VertShaderID);
glAttachShader(GLSLProgID, FragShaderID);
// check for errors before continuing
ErrorCheckValue = glGetError();
if (ErrorCheckValue != GL_NO_ERROR)
"ERROR: Could not create the shaders: %s \n",
void DestroyShaders(void)
if (!glfwGetWindowParam(GLFW_OPENED)) { return ; }
GLenum ErrorCheckValue = glGetError();
glDetachShader(GLSLProgID, VertShaderID);
glDetachShader(GLSLProgID, FragShaderID);
// check for errors last
ErrorCheckValue = glGetError();
if (ErrorCheckValue != GL_NO_ERROR)
"ERROR: Could not destroy the shaders: %s \n",
) ;
exit(-1) ;
void InitStuff(void)
// Initialise GLFW extension
if( !glfwInit() )
{ // If the extension failed to initialize, then error out and leave.
fprintf( stderr, "Failed to initialize GLFW\n" ) ;
return ;
// Establish OpenGL version 3.3
glfwOpenWindowHint(GLFW_FSAA_SAMPLES, 4);
glfwOpenWindowHint(GLFW_OPENGL_PROFILE, GLFW_OPENGL_COMPAT_PROFILE); // This compensates for the bug in GLEW
// Open a window and create its OpenGL context
if( !glfwOpenWindow( 512, 512, 0,0,0,0, 0,0, GLFW_WINDOW ) )
fprintf( stderr, "Failed to open GLFW window.\n" ) ;
glfwTerminate() ;
exit(-1) ;
// Initialize GLEW extension
if (glewInit() != GLEW_OK)
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to initialize GLEW\n") ;
exit(-1) ;
// Set the title on the upper left of the window
glfwSetWindowTitle("Test Window") ;
// Ensure we can capture the escape key being pressed below
glfwEnable( GLFW_STICKY_KEYS ) ;
// Clear Screen And Depth Buffer
// Establish the matrixes
int width, height ;
glfwGetWindowSize( &width, &height ); // assess window size
height = height > 0 ? height : 1; // avoid div/0 error
// calculate the projection matrix values
GLfloat fov_y = 45.0 ;
GLfloat aspect_ratio = (GLfloat) width / (GLfloat) height ;
GLfloat near_plane = 1.0 ;
GLfloat far_plane = 100.0 ;
GLfloat y_scale = 1.0 / tan( radians(fov_y / 2.0) ) ;
GLfloat x_scale = y_scale / aspect_ratio ;
GLfloat frustum_length = far_plane - near_plane ;
ProjMatrix = ZeroMatrix() ;
ProjMatrix.m[0] = x_scale ;
ProjMatrix.m[5] = y_scale ;
ProjMatrix.m[10] = -((far_plane + near_plane) / frustum_length) ;
ProjMatrix.m[11] = -1.0 ;
ProjMatrix.m[14] = -((2.0 * near_plane * far_plane) / frustum_length) ;
// Establish the model and view matrixes as identity matrixes
ModelMatrix = IdentityMatrix() ;
ViewMatrix = IdentityMatrix() ;
Translate(ViewMatrix, 0.0, 0.0, -2.0) ;
// Creat the error enumeration
GLenum ErrorCheckValue = glGetError();
// Create the vertex and fragment shaders
CreateShaders() ;
// Bind the vertex shader attributes to their IDs
attribute_in_Position = glGetAttribLocation(GLSLProgID, "in_Position") ;
attribute_in_Color = glGetAttribLocation(GLSLProgID, "in_Color" ) ;
uniform_ModelMatrix = glGetUniformLocation(GLSLProgID, "ModelMatrix") ;
uniform_ViewMatrix = glGetUniformLocation(GLSLProgID, "ViewMatrix" ) ;
uniform_ProjMatrix = glGetUniformLocation(GLSLProgID, "ProjMatrix" ) ;
// upload the projection matrix data to the GPU
glUniformMatrix4fv(uniform_ModelMatrix, 1, GL_TRUE, ModelMatrix.m);
glUniformMatrix4fv(uniform_ViewMatrix , 1, GL_TRUE, ViewMatrix.m );
glUniformMatrix4fv(uniform_ProjMatrix , 1, GL_TRUE, ProjMatrix.m );
// Build the Cube Geometry
BuildCube() ;
// Initialize the Vertex Buffer Object in OpenGL
glGenBuffers(1, &vboID);
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vboID);
glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexSize * vertexDataLength, NULL, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
glBufferSubData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, vertexSize * vertexDataLength, vertexData);
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);
// Initialize the Index Buffer Object in OpenGL
glGenBuffers(1, &iboID);
glBufferData(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(GLuint) * indexDataLength, NULL, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
glBufferSubData(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, sizeof(GLuint) * indexDataLength, indexData);
// Check for errors, then done
ErrorCheckValue = glGetError() ;
if (ErrorCheckValue != GL_NO_ERROR)
"ERROR: Could not complete initialization: %s \n",
) ;
exit(-1) ;
// end InitStuff()
bool DrawStuff(int frame)
int width, height ;
glfwGetWindowSize( &width, &height ) ; // First, re-assess the window size
height = height > 0 ? height : 1 ; // avoid div/0 error
// for now, vary the background color so we know it's updating
GLfloat phase_offset = 125.0f ;
GLfloat speed_mult = 0.01f ;
GLfloat bgColorR = 0.5f * ( sin( (frame-0)*speed_mult ) + 1.0f );
GLfloat bgColorG = 0.5f * ( sin( (frame-phase_offset)*speed_mult ) + 1.0f );
GLfloat bgColorB = 0.5f * ( sin( (frame-2*phase_offset)*speed_mult ) + 1.0f );
glClearColor( bgColorR, bgColorG, bgColorB, 0.0f );
// Handle projection stuff
glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION );
glViewport( 0, 0, width, height );
GLenum ErrorCheckValue = glGetError();
glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) ;
glDepthFunc(GL_LESS) ;
glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE) ;
glCullFace(GL_BACK) ;
glFrontFace(GL_CCW) ;
ErrorCheckValue = glGetError();
if (ErrorCheckValue != GL_NO_ERROR)
"ERROR: Could not set OpenGL culling options: %s \n",
) ;
exit(-1) ;
// switch to model view mode
glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW );
// Assume I have multiple VBOs, but streamline for only one for now
glPushMatrix() ;
// re-bind the VBO data into the buffer
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vboID) ;
glVertexAttribPointer(attribute_in_Color, 4, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, vertexSize, BUFFER_OFFSET(colorOffset)) ;
glEnableVertexAttribArray(attribute_in_Color) ;
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vboID) ;
glVertexAttribPointer(attribute_in_Position, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, vertexSize, BUFFER_OFFSET(positionOffset)) ;
glEnableVertexAttribArray(attribute_in_Position) ;
// bind the indexes of the vertices to the buffer
Rotate(ModelMatrix, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5) ;
glUniformMatrix4fv(uniform_ModelMatrix, 1, GL_TRUE, ModelMatrix.m);
ErrorCheckValue = glGetError();
if (ErrorCheckValue != GL_NO_ERROR)
"ERROR: Could not prep for draw: %s \n",
) ;
exit(-1) ;
glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, indexDataLength);
glDisableVertexAttribArray(attribute_in_Color) ;
glDisableVertexAttribArray(attribute_in_Position) ;
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0) ;
// lastly, swap buffers, then return the status
return !glfwGetKey(GLFW_KEY_ESC) && glfwGetWindowParam(GLFW_OPENED);
void KillStuff(void)
int main()
int frame = 0 ;
bool running = true;
InitStuff() ;
running = DrawStuff(frame) ;
KillStuff() ;
return 0;
The results are about 3 partly-formed triangles that don't really follow the proper indexing. I think the problem is in the index buffer, but I could really use some help with understanding if I'm using the index and vertex buffers incorrectly or not. I'm rather confused as to what I'm doing wrong.
doesn't read vertex indices, it just draws vertices in-order out of your GL_ARRAY_BUFFER. If you want to use index buffer, you need to use glDrawElements
Also in the future, please try to only post the relevant code sections. Err on the side of inclusion if you're not sure if something's relevant, but it's difficult to find the important stuff without having to dig through your matrix manipulation functions, shader linking functions, etc. You'll get better answers if you post concise code.