I'm using Cassette to minify my JavaScript. I don't want Cassette to minify one of my JavaScript files because it's causing an error. I'd rather use the already minified version provided by the original library authors.
How can I add a JavaScript file to Cassette without it minifying the file?
You can use the following code for Cassette 1.x to create a IAssetTransformer that doesn't perform any minification
public class NoMinification : IAssetTransformer
public NoMinification() {}
public Func<Stream> Transform(Func<Stream> openSourceStream, IAsset asset)
return openSourceStream;
And then update your CassetteConfiguration to put the already minified file it's own bundle, because you have to set the minifier for all of the files in a single bundle. If this javascript file has a dependency on another file, which will minified by cassette and end up in it's own bundle, you can use .AddReference as I show in the commented out line.
public class CassetteConfiguration : ICassetteConfiguration
public void Configure(BundleCollection bundles, CassetteSettings settings)
//So, we set a no-op minifier for this bundle and force it into it's own bundle.
bundles.Add<ScriptBundle>("Scripts/already-minified-file.min.js", b => {
b.Processor = new ScriptPipeline { Minifier = new NoMinification() };