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Fire event when jQuery Splitter drag stops

I am using jQuery Splitter plugin from Splitter works fine. I need to know how can I fire some event as soon as I stop drag of splitter. I need to preserve new splitter left position in back-end and use it next time.

mouseup, mousemove events are not working as desired. Below is the method which I tried. It only works when mouse is clicked on splitter without dragging it (Mouse click at same position). Once you drag splitter, this do not work.

      jQuery('.vspliter').on("mouseup", function (e) {
            alert('Mouse is released now');
                    // call ajax function over here

Let me know, if more information is needed.


  • I am able to resolve this using below code by detecting drag:

           var isDragging = false;
           jQuery('.spliter_panel').mousedown(function() {
               jQuery('.spliter_panel').mousemove(function() {
                   isDragging = true;
           jQuery('.spliter_panel').mouseup(function() {
               var wasDragging = isDragging;
               isDragging = false;
               if (wasDragging) {
                    //Call Ajax method