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How to reload the frame and session value is not getting removed

i am using the loginpage which does not come in frame but once i logged in all the pages are in framset and when i try to log out (the logout link is there in the frame) only that specific frame is reloaded and the login page comes to that frame. but i want the login page to be displayed where no pages should be displayed.

i remove session values like this, but when i refresh the page all the valuse are there in pages which are there in the frame.

public void sessionRemove(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response){

         * Remove the Session Object.
        Enumeration enumSessionObj = request.getSession(false).getAttributeNames();
            String enumObj = enumSessionObj.nextElement().toString();

         * Remove the Cookies.
        Cookie[] cookies = request.getCookies();
        for (int i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) {
            Cookie delCookie = cookies[i];

How to do this ,

Please help


  • Could you try?:


    Could you print the time in one of those frames. I think your problem could be cache related.

    If you session is invalidated you can do a number of things. Ex. fowarding the user to another page. Or refreshing your frames with javascript just like this.


    Good luck;