I am using TCP Sockets and I am a beginner in Java and Sockets too. The scenario is that the client,depending on server 's answer, may send either int or a string. I need to save the output stream of the client, in a variable on the server 's side, so i can use it in if statements and so on. But how could I do this when i don t know if the stream sent is an integer or a string?
I have made a very simple example, because my code is huge and messy and i don t want to make it more complex
Client Side:
if (serverSentence.equals("Hello"))
outToServer.writeBytes("Hello word!"+'\n');
So how I could do this, I mean saving in a variable the Client 's output stream, in the Server 's side (or the opossite), so I could use it in loops and ifs?
Use Object
. A reference typed as an Object
may refer to Integer
or String
. Another story is of course deserializing the incoming data as either. If the problem has to do with not knowing how to interpret serialized data, include some sort of flag to indicate what the data is.