This might be a duplication of Custom Resizable Handles in JQuery UI, but that post talks about the handle not being a child element of the resizable element, and it doesn't specify which version of jQuery UI.
The API states that custom handles can be defined as follows:
The following keys are supported: { n, e, s, w, ne, se, sw, nw }. The value of any specified should be a jQuery selector matching the child element of the resizable to use as that handle.
In my code, the handle is a child element of the resizable element, and the jQuery is as follows:
handles: {w: '#searchbar_handle_top'},
maxWidth: 445,
minWidth: 20,
start: function(event, ui) {},
stop: function(event, ui) {
$("#searchbar_container").css('height', '');
I can get it to work with the legacy version of jQuery UI (1.8.24): link ...but not with the "stable" version of jQuery UI (1.9.0) and the exact same code: link . Both pages use the same version of jQuery core (1.8.2).
The stable version of jQuery UI produces the following console error:
Uncaught Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: , jquery-1.8.2.min.js:2
Does anyone think I'm doin' it wrong?
I ran into the same issue with jquery 1.9.0, resizable with args seems to be broken in the new release. Reverting back to a legacy release until it is fixed.