I am using SafeCracker to create some entries on a site and when the form is submitted it comes up in a preview template.
I need to be able to display the selected category for the entry.
I am using the following code to display the results in the preview template:
{exp:safecracker channel="jobs" id="contact" return="jobs/preview/ENTRY_ID" entry_id="{segment_3}"}
<p>Job Type: {job_type}<br />
Category: {exp:channel:category_heading}{category_name}{/exp:channel:category_heading}<br />
Location: {job_location}</p>
<p>Description:<br />
<p>Apply by: {how_to_apply} at: {apply_value}</p>
<p>Company: {company}</p>
<p>Description: <br />
As it is, the Category: value is blank. What is the correct way to do this?
Use: {categories}{if selected}{category_name}{/if}{/categories}
Failing that, you could use the query module:
{exp:query sql="
SELECT c.cat_name
FROM exp_categories c, exp_category_posts cp
WHERE cp.entry_id = {segment_3}
AND c.cat_id = cp.cat_id
" backspace="2"}{cat_name}, {/exp:query}