I have an application in which some operations are performed by MDB. These MDB all use a @RunAs(SYSTEM)
annotation to mark them as system elements.
One of these MDB has to run some code which is protecetd through @RolesAllowed(WORKSPACE)
, which the SYSTEM
role doesn't have, obviously, but which the user
(a human being, mind you) that started the process has.
So, my question is quite simple : is there any way (through asynchronous invocation, as an example) to have my MDB to change its principal to be my user
instead of SYSTEM
Like Mike Braun answer suggest, this is not possible according to JavaEE specifications.
And that is unfortunate. But, what is a little less unfortunate is that there is some code to do that kind of things (application-server specific), hidden in that application server implementation of @RunAs
. In Glassfish, that particular code is in the com.sun.enterprise.security.auth.login.LoginContextDriver
class, and particularly in its LoginContextDriver#loginPrincipal
So, to have one part of code using a specific principal, I defined an interface
public interface Sudoer {
public <Result> Result sudo(String user, SudoOperation<Result> operation);
which I implemented for Glassfish as so :
public class GlassfishSudoer implements Sudoer {
public <Result> Result sudo(String user, SudoOperation<Result> operation) {
try {
LoginContextDriver.loginPrincipal(user, "autocat");
return operation.perform();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new UnableToSudoException(e);
} finally {
And when using it, the part which wants to have some code "sudoed" only has to provide an implementation of the SudoOperation, like
component.sudo(userLogin, new SudoOperation<Void>() {
public Void perform() {
/* do some sudoed code */
return null;
Advantage of this method is that, provided the given application server has some code to handle @RunAs
, you can use that code to implement your own sudoer (I'm thinking about extracting that into a sudo-ejb library ...).