I am working on building formula reference map from spreadsheet xml using python. formula is like
=IF(AND(LEN(R[-2]C[-1])>0,R[-1]C),WriteCurve(OFFSET(R16C6, 0,0,R9C7,R10C7),R15C6,R10C3, R8C3),"NONE")
I am only interested in getting nth argument of writecurve function. here i comes up very C style program basically counting coma which is not inside bracket. there are a lot of nested formula
def parseArguments(t, func, n):
bracket = 0
ss = t[start:]
lastcomma = 0
for i, a in enumerate(ss):
if a=="(":
bracket +=1
elif a==")":
if bracket==0:
elif a == ",":
if bracket==0 and n==0:
elif bracket ==0:
if n-1==0:
lastcomma = i
if lastcomma == 0:
return ss[:i]
return ss[lastcomma+1:i]
Is there pythonic way of doing this? or is there a better recursive way to parse the whole formula? Many thanks
The best Excel formula parser I'm aware of is E. W. Bachtal's algorithm. There's a Python port by Robin Macharg; the most recent version I know about is part of the pycel project, but it can be used standalone - ExcelFormula. It has no problem parsing your formula:
from pycel.excelformula import ExcelFormula, FunctionNode
formula = ExcelFormula('=IF(AND(LEN(R[-2]C[-1])>0,R[-1]C),WriteCurve(OFFSET(R16C6, 0,0,R9C7,R10C7),R15C6,R10C3, R8C3),"NONE")')
>>> formula.ast
You can then walk the AST to find the WriteCurve node and examine its arguments:
write_curve = next(node for node, _ in formula.ast.descendants if isinstance(node, FunctionNode) and node.value.strip('(') == 'WriteCurve')
>>> write_curve.children[2].value