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Eclipse MAT Parsing 11GB Heap dump - Out Of Memory. Unable to parse the heap dump

I was trying to parse the 11GB heap dump using Eclipse MAT and I am getting the following error

  An internal error occurred during: "Parsing heap dump" 

I think the MAT is unable to parse such a huge heap dump. I read some posts and increase the VM configurations to more than 80% of the dump size. Following are my vm configurations

      -vmargs -Xms8192m -Xmx10240m 

and I am still not able to load the dump. I tried with ParseHeapDump.bat with no changes ...


  • Keep increasing Xmx till the JVM complains, then increase your swap file size, then increase Xmx again, etc.

    At that stage it will take ages because it will be using disk as RAM.