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Hibernate Tools: Mappings and Annotations Fail

This is driving me crazy -- I'm pretty sure that Hibernate can determine mapping relationships between tables and thus reflect this in the POJO's generated.

Except it's not.

I am using MySQL with STS & Hibernate Tools 4.0.0 and I have a one-to-many and a one-to-one table relationship, between Person <--> Phone and Phone <--> PhoneType and I am able to generate using the 'Hibernate Code Generation Configuration' the 'Domain Code' and the 'DAO Code', however neither of the files have any mappings between the tables.

Now here is a possible issue:

In order to get any annotations at all, I have switched on the option 'Generate EJB3 annotations'. Now I am using plain old Hibernate here, and not JPA.

So my questions are:

  1. Can Hibernate Tools generate Annotations for plain old Hibernate?
  2. Can it generate mapping information in the POJO's (i.e. @manytomany / @manytoone) ?

Thanks a lot for your help,



  • OK, I got it work at last!

    The problem was, as with all things of a technical nature both simple and profound.

    In a word: CaseSensitive

    I had created my tables with capitaliZatioN (i.e. Person, Phone) and I used the MySQL Workbench to create the foreign keys and they looked like this:

    CONSTRAINT FK_Phone_Person FOREIGN KEY (person_id) REFERENCES Person (person_id)

    instead of

    CONSTRAINT FK_Phone_Person FOREIGN KEY (person_id) REFERENCES person (person_id)

    Notice the capitalization.

    SOO happy after spending a lot of blood, sweat and tears trying to get that damn thing to work when all along the case was the problem!