I am using UMLGraph for Java to UML. It says the following in documentation for relationships:
association relationships (specified using the javadoc @assoc tag)
navigatable (directed) association relationships (specified using the javadoc @navassoc tag)
aggregation relationships (specified using the javadoc @has tag)
composition relationships (specified using the javadoc @composed tag)
dependency relationships (specified using the javadoc @depend tag)
i cannot add these tags or any comments in the source. Is there any alternative for this
If you're using the commonly available template for configuring UmlGraph, then you're probably using an old version.
I can't find the doclet in the usual maven repositories. I suggest you download the latest version and just deploy it manually to your repository manager. You can download it from here: http://www.umlgraph.org/download.html
Once you've deployed it, use this:
-inferrel -inferdep -quiet -hide java.*
-collpackages java.util.* -qualify -postfixpackage
-nodefontsize 9 -nodefontpackagesize 7