If got a method that returns a treenode based upon a Directory
private static TreeNode GetDirectoryNodes(string path)
var dir = new DirectoryInfo(path);
var node = new TreeNode(dir.Name);
foreach (var directory in dir.GetDirectories())
node.Nodes.Add(GetDirectoryNodes(path + "\\" + directory.ToString()));
return node;
However I need to create an XML DOM of the directory stucture, However I am new to XML DOM and can't figure out how to do this. Problems that I see are: how to get \ into the XML; and how to get Subdirectories This is what I've got so far
private static XmlDocument GetDirTreeData(string path)
var dir = new DirectoryInfo(path);
XmlDocument XMLDOM = new XmlDocument();
XmlElement xl = XMLDOM.CreateElement(path);
foreach (var directory in dir.GetDirectories())
xl.InnerXml = directory.ToString();
return XMLDOM;
Take a look at LINQ to XML. It is easier to accomplish your task with LINQ. Here is a code that works, but does not handle Access denied and similar issues
static void Main(string[] args)
XDocument xdoc = new XDocument(
new XElement("Root",
DirToXml(new DirectoryInfo("C:\\MyFolder"))));
private static XElement DirToXml(DirectoryInfo dir)
return new XElement("Directory",
new XAttribute("Name", dir.Name),
dir.GetDirectories().Select(d => DirToXml(d)));
xdoc variable is your xml document. DirToXml is recursive method that finds all subdirectories and creates elements for each of them.
The results looks like this:
<Directory Name=".history">
<Directory Name="0" />
<Directory Name="1" />
<Directory Name="10" />
<Directory Name="11" />
<Directory Name="12" />
<Directory Name="13" />
<Directory Name="14" />
<Directory Name="15" />
<Directory Name="16" />