I have elements in page:
<a class="element" onclick="do this"></a>
<a class="element" onclick="do this"></a>
<a class="element" onclick="do this"></a>
<a class="element" onclick="do this"></a>
i need to trigger the click on each one and delay some time between the triggered clicks.
//for each one .element
then i need to repeat this cycle as infite cycle, BUT i need to stop it when user click on a .element
i tryed many things like $.each( loop trigger); but i can't understand how to cycle all to infinite and stop it when i sad :(
There might exist more elegant solution, but here are my two cents:
$("a").on("click", function(e, d){
if(d !== true) {
var timer = setInterval(doClick, 800);
function doClick() {
var $n = $(".active").next();
if ($n.length == 0) {
$n = $(".active").siblings().first();
$n.trigger("click", [true]);