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Java AES-256 Decryption - translating code from ActionScript 3

I have a working decryption in ActionScript 3, now I want to get the same result when decrypting in Java. (I know that the OFB-mode and NullPadding is probably not preferred, but that's what I used back then and that is what I need to decrypt now...)

(very old) Adobe ActionScript 3 code:

static public function decryptTest(): Boolean {
    var iv: String = "0df1eff724d50157ab048d9ff214b73c";
    var cryptext: String = "2743be20314cdc768065b794904a0724e64e339ea6b4f13c510e2d2e8c95dd7409aa0aefd20daae80956dd2978c98d6e914d1d7b5b5be47b491d91e7e4f16f7f30d991ba80a81bafd8f0d7d83755ba0ca66d6b208424529c7111bc9cd6d11786f3f604a0715f";
    var kkey: String = "375f22c03371803ca6d36ec42ae1f97541961f7359cf5611bbed399b42c7c0be";

    var kdata: ByteArray = Hex.toArray(kkey);
    var data: ByteArray = Hex.toArray(cryptext);
    var name: String = 'aes-256-ofb';
    var pad:IPad = new NullPad();
    var mode: ICipher = Crypto.getCipher(name, kdata, pad);
    trace("mode block size: " + mode.getBlockSize());

    if (mode is IVMode) {
        var ivmode:IVMode = mode as IVMode;
        ivmode.IV = Hex.toArray(iv);

    var res: String = data.toString();
    trace("result: " + res);

    return res == "01020506080b10131c22292d313536393b464c535466696d6e7d7f808a8e9899a2adb1b8babcbebfc1c6c7c8cecfd8e0e4e8ef";

trace("decryption test: " + netplay.decryptTest());

Flash output is:

mode block size: 16
result: 01020506080b10131c22292d313536393b464c535466696d6e7d7f808a8e9899a2adb1b8babcbebfc1c6c7c8cecfd8e0e4e8ef
decryption test: true

What have I tried?

I have tried two different approaches in Java, one using the built-in Cipher class, and one using this code/class. However, the first approach gives me an IllegalKeyException and the other is giving me garbage. Also, the second approach doesn't clearly specify how to enter the IV-data for the decryption, nor does it let me specify the OFB-mode or the padding. Illegal key size
    at javax.crypto.Cipher.checkCryptoPerm(
    at javax.crypto.Cipher.implInit(
    at javax.crypto.Cipher.chooseProvider(
    at javax.crypto.Cipher.init(
    at javax.crypto.Cipher.init(
public void decryptCipher() throws UnsupportedEncodingException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchPaddingException, InvalidKeyException, InvalidAlgorithmParameterException, IllegalBlockSizeException, BadPaddingException {
    String iv = "0df1eff724d50157ab048d9ff214b73c";
    String cryptext = "2743be20314cdc768065b794904a0724e64e339ea6b4f13c510e2d2e8c95dd7409aa0aefd20daae80956dd2978c98d6e914d1d7b5b5be47b491d91e7e4f16f7f30d991ba80a81bafd8f0d7d83755ba0ca66d6b208424529c7111bc9cd6d11786f3f604a0715f";
    String key = "375f22c03371803ca6d36ec42ae1f97541961f7359cf5611bbed399b42c7c0be"; // Hexadecimal String, will be converted to non-hexadecimal String
    String expectedResult = "01020506080b10131c22292d313536393b464c535466696d6e7d7f808a8e9899a2adb1b8babcbebfc1c6c7c8cecfd8e0e4e8ef";

    byte[] kdata = Util.hex2byte(key);

    Assert.assertEquals(32, kdata.length); // 32 bytes = 256-bit key

    String result;

    Cipher cipher;
    cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/OFB/NoPadding");
    // Below line is 112, which is causing exception
    cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, new SecretKeySpec(kdata, "AES"), new IvParameterSpec(iv.getBytes("UTF-8")));
    byte[] cryptData = Util.hex2byte(cryptext);
    byte[] ciphertext = cipher.doFinal(cryptData);
    result = new String(ciphertext);

    Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, result);

public void decryptAES() {
    String iv = "0df1eff724d50157ab048d9ff214b73c"; 
    // Problem: Where should I specify the IV ???? Currently it is an unused variable...

    String cryptext = "2743be20314cdc768065b794904a0724e64e339ea6b4f13c510e2d2e8c95dd7409aa0aefd20daae80956dd2978c98d6e914d1d7b5b5be47b491d91e7e4f16f7f30d991ba80a81bafd8f0d7d83755ba0ca66d6b208424529c7111bc9cd6d11786f3f604a0715f";
    String key = "375f22c03371803ca6d36ec42ae1f97541961f7359cf5611bbed399b42c7c0be"; // Hexadecimal String, will be converted to non-hexadecimal String
    String expectedResult = "01020506080b10131c22292d313536393b464c535466696d6e7d7f808a8e9899a2adb1b8babcbebfc1c6c7c8cecfd8e0e4e8ef";

    Assert.assertEquals(64, key.length());

    AES aes = new AES();
    byte[] byteCryptedData = Util.hex2byte(cryptext);
    String byteCryptedString = new String(byteCryptedData);

    while (byteCryptedString.length() % 16 != 0) byteCryptedString += " ";

    String result = aes.Decrypt(byteCryptedString);
    Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, result); // Assertion Failed

The question: How can I make Java decrypt in the same way that ActionScript 3 does? Of course, I'd like to get the same result on both.


  • The first approach is giving you an Illegal key size error message because you don't have the unrestricted policy files installed. Java will refuse to work with "strong" key lengths (e.g. 256-bit AES) without these in place.

    If it is legal to do so in your jurisdiction, Google for "Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files" and download the version applicable to your Java installation. You will end up with two files to dump into lib/security in your JRE.