I am trying to map a image into a excel spread sheet and i need to find what the coordinates of the current cell are?
My code at the moment loops though each cell till it finds a matching tag in the excel where it knows this is the cell to place the picture.
I have the cell i just have no idea how to obtain the cells top and left properties?
foreach (ExcelRangeBase cell in range1)
Please help!
Thanks in advance.
int row = cellAddress.Start.Row;
int column = cellAddress.Start.Column;
if (mCellsResult.Count() > 0)
var mCells = mCellsResult.First();
//if the cell and the merged cell do not share a common start address then skip this cell as it's already been covered by a previous item
if (mCells.Start.Address != cellAddress.Start.Address)
if (mCells.Start.Column != mCells.End.Column)
colSpan += mCells.End.Column - mCells.Start.Column;
if (mCells.Start.Row != mCells.End.Row)
rowSpan += mCells.End.Row - mCells.Start.Row;
double height = 0, width = 0;
for (int h = 0; h < rowSpan; h++)
height += xlWorkSeet1[k].Row(row + h).Height;
for (int w = 0; w < colSpan; w++)
width += xlWorkSeet1[k].Column(column + w).Width;
double pointToPixel = 0.75;
height /= pointToPixel;
width /= 0.1423;
picture = xlWorkSeet1[k].Drawings.AddPicture(System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + row.ToString() + column.ToString(), image);
picture.From.Column = column - 1;
picture.From.Row = row - 1;
picture.SetSize((int)width, (int)height);