I am using a simple image map as per the w3 tutorial,
<p>Click on the sun or on one of the planets to watch it closer:</p>
<img src="hj.png" alt="skitch" usemap="#planetmap">
<map name="planetmap">
<area shape="rect" coords="0,110,210,150" alt="Sun" href="sun.htm">
I need to alert the user, if he clicks the image's non click able area. I have searched a lot for this and found lot of tutorial, but couldn't find the exact. Is there any way to do it in java script, though I am newbie to jquery. If there is only jquery solution, please give me some tutorials with examples.
Any help appreciated!
Create new clickable areas in the image map that cover the areas the person shouldn't click then set it like this:
<area shape="rect" coords="0,110,210,150" alt="Not Here" href="#" onclick="alert('Don\'t click here')">