I need to make an applet in Java 6, 640*480 pixels, with a toolbar on the bottom with some buttons, scrollbars, and labels. The best way I could think of was using a BorderLayout
, making the BorderLayout.SOUTH
region a GridBagLayout
(which would contain the controls), and the rest of the BorderLayout
area null, as a place for grapics to be drawn with the controls. I can't find any resources online that don't use swing, and I don't know anything about swing to deduce what they are doing or how to translate it into awt code. Here is where I am now. The code ends abruptly in init()
, since that's where the layout mangers start. Thank you for any help you have. Let me know if you need more information then what is here.
import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class Bounce extends Applet implements ActionListener, AdjustmentListener
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private Graphics page;
String shapeButtonText = "Square";
Button shape = new Button(shapeButtonText);
Button quit = new Button("Quit");
Button run = new Button("Run");
Button tail = new Button("Tail");
Button clear = new Button("Clear");
Label speedLabel = new Label("Speed", Label.CENTER);
Label sizeLabel = new Label("Size", Label.CENTER);
private final int barHeight = 20;
private final int SLIDER_WIDTH = 10;
private final int MAXSPEED = 110;
private final int MINSPEED = 0;
private final int UNIT_INC = 1;
private final int BLOC_INC = 10;
private final int MAX_SIZE = 110;
private final int MIN_SIZE = 10;
Scrollbar speedBar = new Scrollbar(Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL, MINSPEED, SLIDER_WIDTH, 0, MAXSPEED);
Scrollbar sizeBar = new Scrollbar(Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL, MIN_SIZE, SLIDER_WIDTH, 0, MAX_SIZE);
public void init()
//set up objects
//speed scroll bar
//size scrollbar
//draw the window
BorderLayout window = new BorderLayout();
GridBagLayout toolbar = new GridBagLayout();
public void start()
public void run()
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
public void adjustmentValueChanged(AdjustmentEvent e)
public void stop()
public void destory()
Let's clarify a few things. A LayoutManager
s are used by a Container
(such as Frame
, Panel
, or Applet
) to calculate position and size of the components inside the Container
. This means that it is incorrect to talk about "nesting LayoutManager
s". On the other hand you can nest Container
s inside each other and give each one its own LayoutManager
. I believe this is what you want to do.
Let me illustrate this with a contrived example:
public class MyGUI {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Frame f = new Frame("Layout Example");
Panel mainPanel = new Panel(new BorderLayout());
Panel toolBar = new Panel(new FlowLayout());
toolBar.add(new Button("Button 1"));
toolBar.add(new Button("Button 2"));
Panel statusBar = new Panel(new FlowLayout());
statusBar.add(new Label("Status"));
Notice that you need to create a new Panel
for each LayoutManager
. Or rather each Panel
that you create needs a LayoutManager
. Also, this example can easily be changed from AWT to Swing by replacing Frame
with JFrame
, Panel
with JPanel
, Button
with JButton
, and Label
with JLabel
p.s. The above code is not tested. It should illustrate the concepts involved here, though.