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UiBinder: Can UiFactory method be overriden?

Before asking a question i will shortly describe the context. I have a Widget class which "outsources" ui implementation to a separate class (sth like below):

public class SimpleFilmWidget extends Composite implements FilmActivityControl {

    public static interface Ui {

        Panel getMainPanel();

        VoteWidget getVotePanel();

        InlineLabel getHaveNotSeenLabel();


The actual widget class can get references to specific subfield widget/elements with use of the Ui class instance:

    Ui ui;

    public SimpleFilmWidget() {
        this(new DefaultUi());

    public SimpleFilmWidget(Ui customUi) {

        assert customUi != null : "UI should not be null!!!";

        ui = customUi;


I provided the actual UI implementation with UiBinder that uses UiFactory for creation of another one complicated subwidget

class DefaultUi implements Ui {


    protected VoteWidget createVoteWidget(){

        return new VoteWidget(msg){

            protected SetVoteEvent onSetVote(Star star, boolean fireEvents) {
                return clientWidget.onSetVote(super.onSetVote(star, fireEvents));

And the question is: When I provide the subclass of DefaultUi can the UiFactory method be overriden in a subclass not confusing UiBinder parser?


UiFactory method should not be overriden as uibinder sees both methods (the overridden and the overwriting) and becomes confused with two uifactories for the same type: [ERROR] Duplicate factory in class SimpleFilmWidget.DefaultUi for type VoteWidget


  • Conclusion:

    UiFactory method should not be overriden as uibinder sees both methods (the overridden and the overwriting) and becomes confused with two uifactories for the same type: [ERROR] Duplicate factory in class SimpleFilmWidget.DefaultUi for type VoteWidget.

    from comment to @Thomas Broyer: I suspect, it then calls the superclass'es UiFactory annotated method which is not what I want it to do. I left this issue, as workaround attitude is sufficing to me in this case.

    Thanks for Your interest anyway.