I have the following code to play audio on my website. The problem is playing audio does not stop or pause to play a new one. All the files are playing together like crazy.
$().ready(function () {
function PlayMp3(file) {
var isiPad = navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i) != null;
var isiPhone = navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i) != null;
var isiPod = navigator.userAgent.match(/iPod/i) != null;
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox") != -1) {
file = file.replace("mp3", "ogg");
$('#content').append('<audio src="' + file + '" controls preload="auto" autobuffer autoplay="autoplay" style="display:none"></audio>');
else if (isiPad || isiPhone || isiPod) {
var snd = new Audio(file);
else {
$('#content').append('<embed height="0" width="0" src="' + file + '">');
function pauseAllAudio() {
$('video, audio').each(function () {
var allAudioEls = $('audio');
allAudioEls.each(function () {
var a = $(this).get(0);
if (snd != undefined) {
This is not a duplicate question. I have tried all solutions from similar questions here and none of the solutions works for me. Thanks.
Thanks to Praveen Kumar. Without him, I couldn't have found the problem to remove 'embed'. After adding $('embed').remove();
to function pauseAllAudio()
. It solves for all browsers but Firefox. That firefox doesn't like mp3 or <embed>
tag. I had to do some more research to make it work for only that browser.
jPlayer looks great and it solves my problem. The solution is as follow.
function PlayMp3(file) {
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox") != -1) {
file = file.replace("mp3", "ogg");
$('#jquery_jplayer').jPlayer("setMedia", { oga: file });
else {
$('#content').append('<embed height="0" width="0" src="' + file + '">');
I had to give up on HTML 5 <audio>
tag. :(