I have this code which returns the result I want:
SELECT CONCAT('#', id, ' ', firstname, ' ', lastname, ' (', company, ')') AS result FROM client_detail
Here are the results:
#1 James Hadley (OpenBill)
#2 Lucinda Hadley (Make a Squish)
But when trying to search in the same string when using LIKE (I want to search for a variable string anywhere inside the above results), I get no output and no errors:
SELECT CONCAT('#', id, ' ', firstname, ' ', lastname, ' (', company, ')') AS result FROM client_detail WHERE CONCAT('#', id, ' ', firstname, ' ', lastname, ' (', company, ')') LIKE '%jam%' ORDER BY id ASC
I am right to use the LIKE operand, or is there a better/correct way of searching inside the result?
statement will use the system default for collations. If your table is defined as UTF-8 but your system is latin1 then your LIKE
statement may choose a case-sensitive collation.
Force a case-insensitive match using LOWER
to take advantage of your alias result
SELECT CONCAT('#',id,' ',firstname,' ',lastname,' (', company, ')') AS result
FROM client_detail
HAVING LOWER(result) LIKE '%jam%'
Or use a COLLATION (will depend on your system)
HAVING result LIKE '%jam%' COLLATE latin1_general_ci