I've searched far and wide. Perhaps I don't know what to search for...
I need to be able to index and search "secured" PDFs. These PDFs have the "No Copy" attribute selected and are locked down. Meaning there is no way to copy the content of the PDF without the username and password. IFilter respects these settings and won't allow the PDF to be indexed.
I'm looking for a means to index and search theses PDFs on my server using aspx.net. It would appear that I'm stuck with one of the following:
Solutions one and 2 would mean maintaining a duplicate copy... either on the server or in a DB and refer to the actual for download, programmatically. Has anyone come up with a solution for this? I would prefer the indexing capabilities as it means no duplication of content. Solution 3 is appealing if the PDFs meta data can handle that much content and if security is still intact. I've also wondered about programmatic access to the PDF where, via C# or VB, I can use credentials to gain the access... but it looks like I may be stuck.
This is my last ditch effort to find another solution. Any help would be appreciated.
I ended up going with a completely different solution. I loved the idea of utilizing MS's indexing, but it's becoming much easier to use SQL and have the user who upload the PDF paste key words, or the content of the pdf into a text box. Then SQL can index that "column" and bamm... a search engine does the rest.
Thanks everyone for taking the time to consider this one.