I'm using the jquery-validation-engine plugin and after validate I need to add a class to the inputs with the error promt to add for example a red border or something like that, is there a way using the plugin configuration to setup this?
I alsow use that same plugin.
Do you have the last verion off the plug-in ? In the file: jquery.validationEngine.js
you will find almost at the bottom:
InvalidFields: [],
onFieldSuccess: false,
onFieldFailure: false,
onSuccess: false,
onFailure: false,
addSuccessCssClassToField: false,
addFailureCssClassToField: false,
These are the 'master' settings for the options you are looking for. My current setup is like:
InvalidFields: [],
onFieldSuccess: true,
onFieldFailure: true,
onFormSuccess: false,
onFormFailure: false,
addSuccessCssClassToField: 'inputbox-success',
addFailureCssClassToField: 'inputbox-error',
And then the two css classes in youre css file ( 'inputbox-error' & 'inputbox-succes').
This works just fine over here.. Good Luck...
And if you have any more question about this plugin or other functions off it just ask .. :P
Greets, Marco