Search code examples

Search on all fields of an entity

I'm trying to implement an "omnibox"-type search over a customer database where a single query should attempt to match any properties of a customer.

Here's some sample data to illustrate what I'm trying to achieve:

FirstName  | LastName  | PhoneNumber | ZipCode | ...
Mary       | Jane      | 12345       | 98765   | ...
Jane       | Fonda     | 54321       | 66666   | ...
Billy      | Kid       | 23455       | 12345   | ...
  • If the query was "Jane", I'd expect row #1 to be returned as well as row #2.
  • A query for 12345 would yield rows #1 and #3.

Right now, my code looks pretty much like this:

IEnumerable<Customer> searchResult = context.Customer.Where(
    c => c.FirstName   == query ||
         c.LastName    == query ||
         c.PhoneNumber == query ||
         c.ZipCode     == query
         // and so forth. Fugly, huh?

This obviously works. It smells like really bad practice to me, though, since any change in the Entity (removal of properties, introduction of new properties) would break stuff.

So: is there some LINQ-foo that will search across all properties of whatever Entity I throw at it?


  • first find all properties within Customer class with same type as query:

    var stringProperties = typeof(Customer).GetProperties().Where(prop =>
        prop.PropertyType == query.GetType());

    then find all customers from context that has at least one property with value equal to query:

    context.Customer.Where(customer => 
        stringProperties.Any(prop =>
            prop.GetValue(customer, null) == query));