I'm trying to set up a mobiscroll number chooser for a landing page, but it seems that I'm doing something wrong because, above the scroll, I get a text field with the number chosen in mobiscroll written inside it.
To be honest, in the website I didn't find a very easily understandable FAQ for the installation and I'm a bit new to this kind of things, could please someone help me? Below a screen of the page and the code as well.
Add input{display:none}
in css file. It works.
I assumed that you don't want the text box to be shown.
The below line in js file is inserting a input box before the select list.
var input = $('<input type="text" id="' + id + '" value="' + main['_' + elm.val()] + '" class="' + s.inputClass + '" readonly />').insertBefore(elm);