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Linux: Executing child process with piped stdin/stdout

Using Linux and C++, I would like a function that does the following:

string f(string s)
    string r = system("foo < s");
    return r;

Obviously the above doesn't work, but you get the idea. I have a string s that I would like to pass as the standard input of a child process execution of application "foo", and then I would like to record its standard output to string r and then return it.

What combination of Linux syscalls or POSIX functions should I use? I'm using Linux 3.0 and do not need the solution to work with older systems.


  • The code provided by eerpini does not work as written. Note, for example, that the pipe ends that are closed in the parent are used afterwards. Look at


    and the subsequent write to that closed descriptor. This is just transposition, but it shows this code has never been used. Below is a version that I have tested. Unfortunately, I changed the code style, so this was not accepted as an edit of eerpini's code.

    The only structural change is that I only redirect the I/O in the child (note the dup2 calls are only in the child path.) This is very important, because otherwise the parent's I/O gets messed up. Thanks to eerpini for the initial answer, which I used in developing this one.

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <unistd.h>
    #include <errno.h>
    #define PIPE_READ 0
    #define PIPE_WRITE 1
    int createChild(const char* szCommand, char* const aArguments[], char* const aEnvironment[], const char* szMessage) {
      int aStdinPipe[2];
      int aStdoutPipe[2];
      int nChild;
      char nChar;
      int nResult;
      if (pipe(aStdinPipe) < 0) {
        perror("allocating pipe for child input redirect");
        return -1;
      if (pipe(aStdoutPipe) < 0) {
        perror("allocating pipe for child output redirect");
        return -1;
      nChild = fork();
      if (0 == nChild) {
        // child continues here
        // redirect stdin
        if (dup2(aStdinPipe[PIPE_READ], STDIN_FILENO) == -1) {
        // redirect stdout
        if (dup2(aStdoutPipe[PIPE_WRITE], STDOUT_FILENO) == -1) {
        // redirect stderr
        if (dup2(aStdoutPipe[PIPE_WRITE], STDERR_FILENO) == -1) {
        // all these are for use by parent only
        // run child process image
        // replace this with any exec* function find easier to use ("man exec")
        nResult = execve(szCommand, aArguments, aEnvironment);
        // if we get here at all, an error occurred, but we are in the child
        // process, so just exit
      } else if (nChild > 0) {
        // parent continues here
        // close unused file descriptors, these are for child only
        // Include error check here
        if (NULL != szMessage) {
          write(aStdinPipe[PIPE_WRITE], szMessage, strlen(szMessage));
        // Just a char by char read here, you can change it accordingly
        while (read(aStdoutPipe[PIPE_READ], &nChar, 1) == 1) {
          write(STDOUT_FILENO, &nChar, 1);
        // done with these in this example program, you would normally keep these
        // open of course as long as you want to talk to the child
      } else {
        // failed to create child
      return nChild;