Hi I want to get a list of all tags in an XML, and if some tags carry particular attribute I also want the value of the attribute. For example here are one specific examples,
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<bbc.mobile.news.view.AVGalleryView android:background="@drawable/gallery_item_selector" android:padding="2.0dip" android:focusable="true" android:layout_width="139.0dip" android:layout_height="130.0dip"
<bbc.mobile.news.view.NewsImageView android:id="@id/galleryItemView" android:background="#00000000" android:padding="0.0dip" android:layout_width="@dimen/thumbnail_width" android:layout_height="@dimen/thumbnail_height" />
<TextView android:textSize="13.0sp" android:textColor="@color/thumbnail_text" android:ellipsize="end" android:id="@id/articleTitleId" android:background="@color/thumbnail_text_bg" android:paddingLeft="5.0dip" android:paddingTop="2.0dip" android:paddingBottom="5.0dip" android:layout_width="139.0dip" android:layout_height="50.0dip" android:maxLines="2" android:layout_below="@id/galleryItemView" />
<ImageView android:layout_gravity="center_vertical" android:id="@id/avIconView" android:background="#99000000" android:duplicateParentState="true" android:layout_width="40.0dip" android:layout_height="40.0dip" android:src="@drawable/icon_playvideo_selected" android:layout_alignParentLeft="true" android:layout_alignParentTop="true" />
I am not interested about parent child relationship, I want to iterate to the deepest child if a parent-child relationship exists. and I also want the android:id and android:name attribute value if exists in a particular element.
problem is that you cannot know how deep a parent-child relation can be and where in the xml it will be. And you also dont know the tag names before. I can think of using recursion in my code , but I believe there is a simpler solution
I found the solution, it was very simple, did not know before that getElementsByTagName("*")
does that, here is my code,
DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
Document doc = db.parse(file);
System.out.println("Root element " + doc.getDocumentElement().getNodeName());
NodeList nodeList=doc.getElementsByTagName("*");
for (int i=0; i<nodeList.getLength(); i++)
// Get element
Element element = (Element)nodeList.item(i);
I have found the solution here