I would like to keep some information about a group after grouping points into lines.
My data.
A table of points (Points are grouped by segments and segments by frame, ordered by time)
I have the following SQL Query to create a new table of the points grouped by frame:
-- Create frames from points
CREATE TABLE data.greenland_2011_p3_frames
(frm_id serial PRIMARY KEY,
geom GEOMETRY (LineString,3413));
INSERT INTO data.greenland_2011_p3_segs(geom)
SELECT ST_MakeLine(geom) as point_geom
FROM (SELECT * FROM data.greenland_2011_p3 ORDER BY time) a GROUP BY frame;
I want to keep in the new table the frame value and segment value (from the original table)
So the new table would be of the form:
frm_id geom frame segment
1 linestring ###### ######
2 linestring ###### ######
3 linestring ###### ######
... ... ... ...
Here is an example frame/segment
SEGMENT = 2011031614 (YYYYMMDD(SEG)) ***segment 14
FRAME = 2011031614001 or 2011031614002 (YYYYMMDD(SEG)(FRM)) ***segment 14 frames 1 and 2
I'd like to add a secondary step to this. With the solution from Mike I now have a table with the following:
frm_id geom frame segment
1 linestring *14001 *14
2 linestring *14002 *14
3 linestring *14003 *14
4 linestring *15001 *15
5 linestring *15002 *15
I'd now like to create something like this:
seg_id geom segment frames
1 linestring *14 <*14001,*14002,*14003>
2 linestring *14 <*15001,*15002>
How can this be accomplished?
Say you have a master table of point geometries, frames, segments and times:
create table greenland_2011_p3 (
gid serial primary key,
geom geometry(Point,3413),
frame integer,
segment integer,
time timestamp
insert into greenland_2011_p3(geom, frame, segment, time)
('SRID=3413;POINT(0 0)', 10, 20, '2011-08-03 10:30'),
('SRID=3413;POINT(0 1)', 10, 20, '2011-08-03 10:32'),
('SRID=3413;POINT(1 1)', 12, 20, '2011-08-03 10:35'),
('SRID=3413;POINT(1 0)', 12, 20, '2011-08-03 10:38');
You can write an aggregate that has the "ORDER BY" within the select statement, and identify which other columns need to be grouped for the result:
SELECT ST_MakeLine(geom ORDER BY time) AS geom, frame, segment
FROM greenland_2011_p3
GROUP BY frame, segment;
Or if you want to list all of the frames as a string, you can use the string_agg aggagrate function:
SELECT ST_MakeLine(geom ORDER BY time) AS geom, segment,
'<' || array_agg(DISTINCT frame::text, ',') || '>' AS frames
FROM greenland_2011_p3
GROUP BY segment;
There is also an array_agg
function if you want an array object for other purposes.