I'm using EGit with Eclipse Juno. I worked with a local repository and the world was good. Even adding a GitHub repository seemed to be fine. I added it to my local repository under "Remotes", so I can easily push commits to github. But after a while, I noticed that no new files are added to the repository, even if I'm commiting changes. They just are not under version control. They have no symbol, which should mean they are ignored. This is my .ignore
Any ideas how to fix that? Any additional information needed?
Update: There are no errors in the error log.
I do have (HEAD) next to my newest branch.
More details:
I got my trunk T, beginning at T0. At T1, there is a branch A, which has changes to T1.
At T2, there is another branch, B. It has no changes to T2.
The strange thing: it is not indicated in History view. The master branch is also missing.
I can still switch to them. When I do git reflog
, there are no entries before or including T2, just everything afterwards.
I removed the branches without commits:
The new files are still shown as ignored:
Output from command line:
$ git branch -a:
* master
$ git status
# On branch master nothing to commit (working directory clean)
About the detached HEAD proposel: I didn't do what is described in the article, checking out an old state and work from that. And I can't see any undone commits.
Sorry for my bad english, I didn't use it for a while. Please ask for clarification, if I write something hard to understand.
Update: I could add a file in another folder (/Versandanzeige_Web/war/WEB-INF/lib/gwt-servlet.jar).
Alright, I found the error. For some reason I don't really know, there was another .gitignore file ABOVE my Project folder (in repository folder), where my COMPLETE project folder was included. I really don't know how that happened. Of course, this file didn't show up in Eclipse. I tried to add the files on the command line, but gut the error message "File is in .gitignore file". After deleting that file, it worked find. Sorry for the trouble.