in Eclipse, i have a MVN project A that depends on mvn project B-C-D
Project B contains a mysettings.xml
in wich I have a property like this:
I have a maven profile called "deployment" that sets the iduser prop. to "ADMIN".
When I launch a maven clean package specifying "deployment" profile, in mysettings.xml I find <iduser>ADMIN</iduser>
I then created a new profile called "mytest" that sets that property to "TESTUSER".
If I call mvn -Dtest=MyClassTest -P mytest
on project C, seems like maven does not replace ${my.iduser}
in project B mysettings.xml
Does anyone know how to get this running in test phase? Thanks
Maven won't do what you're hoping for. The mysettings.xml
file will get put into Project B's jar file using whatever profile you specified when you built Project B, and the ${my.iduser}
placeholder will be gone (filtered out). It won't come from project B's source directory.
I've never found a satisfactory way to do this with Maven. If mysettings.xml
is a Spring config file, you can use the PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer at runtime, rather than Maven filtering at build time.