I am using sphinx search in my rails project. I have sphinx.yml
file, i-e.
defaults: &defaults
enable_wildcard: 1
min_prefix_len: 2
enable_star: 1
max_matches: 25000
<<: *defaults
<<: *defaults
<<: *defaults
pid_file: "RAILS_ROOT/log/searchd.pid"
searchd_file_path: "RAILS_ROOT/config/db/sphinx"
indexer_binary_name: "/usr/local/bin/indexer"
searchd_binary_name: "/usr/local/bin/searchd"
port: 9314
In my controller's action, i have follwing code.
Application.search(query,:with => options,:order => "updated_at DESC",:max_matches=> 25_000,
:match_mode => :extended).page(params[:page]).per(11)
i am getting error like this.
searchd error (status: 1): per-query max_matches=25000 out of bounds (per-server max_matches=1000)
Any good suggestion?? please.
You need to increase max_matches in sphinx.conf and restart searchd process. max_matches is a searching setting , has nothing to do with indexing process.